Internship at Unadat

Team noun | /tēm/
Example in a sentence: If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go as a team.

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Become a Leap Intern

Leap stands for Learning, Exploring, and Achieving Progress. We welcome everyone and anyone who wants to join us. Build your knowledge and skills. Get an experience that allows you to work on meaningful projects. Connect with others to build and grow your personal and professional network. Learn from teammates and professionals. Establish mentors and references.

Be Involved In the Process

You have the opportunity to take initiative and lead. Share your ideas with others on what you think is better for the company, your teammates, and users. Take ownership of these ideas by building and implementing them. Work on projects that have real-life applications and show immediate results that users can enjoy right away.

Unadat is eager to welcome interns who are not only passionate about their fields but also committed to making a meaningful impact for people. We're constantly launching new projects at Unadat, and we're calling on all the Nice Monsters of Innovation to join the fun.

Beliefs and Benefits at Unadat

Come to Unadat and be welcomed and treated as a full-fledged team member. Discover your strengths and improve your weaknesses. Gain professional experience to expand your future career.

Fast, Fun, and Productive Workplace

This is your chance to make projects fun with your team that the workday will pass by quickly.

Teamwork and Communication

Collaborate with your team to improve Unadat. Communicate with others for ideas and feedback to see things from a different perspective and to grow as a person.

Environment for learning

Surround yourself with people willing to learn new things. Learn from your teammates, your research, and from projects you work on.

Welcoming Culture/Diversity and Inclusion

We welcome all people! No matter the race, religion, culture, etc. It's all about keeping an open mind and having positive vibes.

Showing Appreciation and Encouragement

We value all feedback and encourage open sharing of opinions. Every idea and question is heard and considered to ensure that everyone feels valued.

Good work-life balance

We don’t expect you to devote all of your time to work. If something comes up, we will try our best to accommodate your needs.

Celebrate early successes and bring joy to your Unadat supporters.


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Benjamin Bavly-

A professional baseball played swayed by the need for personal financial wellness, Benjamin got involved with public and private equity. Using the insight he gained from successfully managing his private equity accounts, he is leveraging the power of technology to help others do the same.

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Jacob Hoffman-

Jacob is a rising star at Bain Capital with his eye on his own investment or trading fund one day. While at Northeastern Univertity, he did a 6-month co-op focused on tax planning and international tax law for American Tower Corp. An avid baseball fan, Jakob to traveled nearly every state in the United States, including Hawaii and Alaska. He likes to spend a lot of time outdoors doing a variety of activities from hiking to baseball to paddle boarding - games and puzzles (mostly Sudoku variants) when weather doesn’t permit.

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Thanakorn Lertruchtkul-

A food lover, Thanakorn is a tech enthusiast who wishes to change the world through the application of technology. He is building up his experiences, including working with startups, to starting his own venture one day, all while saving up to travel around the world. His pet peeves are mostly bugs, tangible and intangible, and he gets plenty of both at Unadat. Thanakorn likes to experience the outdoors and is a proud conqueror of double black diamond at Stratton Mountain. Hobbies: cooking, traveling and gaming.

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Ruoyu Yuan-

Quantitatively talented, Ruoyu is Interested in finance related jobs in Hong Kong, but not until he completes more training in data analytics and business computing programs at NYU Shanghai and NYU Stern. Additionally, Ruoyu wants to add sales versatility to his tool bag.

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Jordan Alexis-

My name is Jordan Alexis. Currently, a student at Brooklyn College getting my Bachelor's in Computer Science and Multimedia Computing. I am a gamer and love seeing how games are made. I am also a computer programmer I troubleshoot whenever I run into problems. If you have issues with computers come to talk to me.

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ZhiXing Chen-

I am a recent graduating student from Brooklyn College (CUNY). My major is Mathematics Teacher for Secondary School (7-12) while my minor in Chinese Literature. I believe that I know how to provide students with the “right” scaffolding to be successful with the content. I believe that differentiation is the key to meet the needs of diverse learners in our school community. I am proud to teach math with technology, such as Google Classroom, Desmos, and GeoGebra. I believe that “The universal won’t hate math when math is learned in a joyful and meaningful way.

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Adam Chen-

My Name is Adam Chen. My major is computer science. I'm a senior at Brooklyn College. I like Orange. More of a cat person.

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Jessika Jean-Louis-

I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. I’m not comfortable with settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

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Xin Jin-

I define myself as a passionate person, a dreamer. I am not a smart guy, I always do things the hardest way. But I never stop learning from the experiences and mistakes, I consistently dedicate myself to what I am pursuing.

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Jian Chao Liang-

I’m a 22 years old Asian American, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I’m just finishing up college next semester. I’m currently an United States Marine Reservist (3 years) and a full time SEEK college student majoring Business Administration in Management at Brooklyn College. I’ve worked as a part-time Counselor in an after-school program during high school for nearly over a year and now half way through my military contract. People always see me smiling and trying my best at everything.

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Francis Rigor-

I am an upcoming senior at Brooklyn College. My goal is to pursue a career in Software Engineering or Information Technology, but I guess I'll start of as a web developer to start my adult life. In my spare time, I like to read a lot on just about whatever I feel like, whether that be history, fiction, or the news. I also like to run outside whenever possible and play video games.

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Brittany Telesford-

My name is Brittany or Brit for short. I am currently attending Brooklyn College Cuny and I am in my Senior year. My major is Bachelors in Psychology. After I graduate I hope to explore the career opportunities available. I consider myself to be a very self driven person who values organization and structure.

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Mouhamadou Barry-

I am a recent graduate from Brooklyn College. I was born and raised in The Bronx. I like programming, learning about history and geopolitics. As a hobby I like designing game concepts, and turning stories into games using Figma and React.js.

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Yojeraj Persaud-

I am currently a senior at Brooklyn College majoring in computer science. Whether it be software, hardware, design, I have had a passion for technology all my life. I have interests in other fields like finance and entertainment media and hope to find careers in those fields. I am doing an internship now but I will graduate soon and hope to find full-time employment. I enjoy hobbies like journaling, calligraphy, programming, pen collecting, and reading.

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Luz Percil-

My name is Luz. I am hopefully in my last year of Brooklyn college. I would say I am a very curious person. As someone who still is not too sure about what I want to do in the future or where I think I should be headed, I am always open to learning something new. Any form of job experience can be beneficial in the future.

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Lucy Lee-

I am a computer science student who wants to help others in every which way I can. I always strive to present my ideas in clear, easy-to-understand formats, and highly value communication of the same level. I have a deep-rooted interest in environmental science, and hope to see social justice and climate justice prevail in my lifetime. I enjoy playing video games to wind down, and in the future, plan to develop my own MMORPG with an indie team.

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Jose Caballero-

I love mathematics and programming since High school, and I'm trying to teach myself Python. Also, I'm passionate about music and fashion. I hate getting sweaty and hot weather. In my free time, I mostly listen to music, have long walked, and buy interesting clothes at vintage and thrift stores. Since I like music, I'm learning how to play the piano. I was trying to learn how to play the drums, but I'm not too coordinated. After finishing my bachelor's degree, I want to do a master's degree in Financial Engineering and hopefully land a job related after that.

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Haneen Khan-

My name is Haneen Khan, born and raised in New York. I've lived in Manhattan my entire life. My family is originally from Pakistan. I grew up (and still am) very patriotic towards Pakistan. I can speak 4 languages fluently (English, Punjabi, Urdu, and Hindi). I am the middle child, I have an older sister and younger brother. I was never really good in school up until a year ago. Even though I was never good in school, health was the only subject I did good in, which is why my career interest in Nursing or Physicians Assistant.

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Jessica Ngai-

Hello! I'm an Asian American who was born and raised in New York City. I have never really traveled abroad or out of the state, so I hope that my future includes traveling the world. I graduated with a BA in Queens College in Elementary Education and Math and will return to Queens College for my master's in special education. I have a passion for teaching our future and love learning new strategies and ways to help support them in any way I possibly can. I am nervous about having my own classroom, but also can’t wait to have my own classroom one day.

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Vincent Xie-

Born and raised in NYC. I'm a recent graduate from Brooklyn College with a Bachelors in Computer Science and a minor in Multimedia Computing. I enjoy mechanical keyboards, any hardware and software related projects. My current goals are to find a job in web development or software engineering.

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Guina Rock-

I’m Guina I like to cook and go shopping. My goal in life is to become an OB/GYN.

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Pam Wongkraivet-

My name is Pam. I an a senior student at Hunter College. My major is Bioinformatics and Minors in Computer Science. I am a highly professional, determine and positive. Who take the responsibilities that come with the role seriously. I thrive to achieve tough target and complete challenging projects while under pressure.

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Nahian Choudhury-

My name is Nahian Choudhury. I am a 4th year CS undergraduate. My goal is to break into tech and pursue my dreams as a software engineer. Outside of school and work, I have many interests. I love 90's Japanese cars, and one of my dreams is to have a collection of them in the future. I also love anime, and watching anime is one of my favorite pass times. Astronomy and marine biology are among my other interests, and I sometimes play with the idea of a career pursuit change, as animals, nature, and space are all major interests of mine. Who knows what the future hold for me.

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Xiaohu Zheng-

I'm a technical person. I have good understanding of data structure and algorithm, and I often post leetcode solutions as a personal habit. I want a to be a full stack developer. So I am trying to learn both frontend and backend. I am currently learning vue now, and I meanwhile is working on my TinyWebserver project.

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Abir Das-

I am a Computer Engineering graduate from the City College of New York. I am very passionate about computers and how it progressed throughout the years. The development of the tech industry opened opportunities to young people like us. Therefore, I have opened the doors to many opportunities for software engineering, IT/Cyber Security, and Database Management/Data Analytics. Apart from my academic and career interest, my hobby is hanging out with friends and playing soccer and cricket. I also like photography. So, sometimes, I go outside to take pictures of the nature surrounding us. Over the summer of 2022, the internship at Unadat made me a strong person to become successful in the tech industry. Here, I have learned team management skills, collaborative skills, technical skills, and ideas from my team members. I am sure that I will be applying those skills in my career path looking into the future.

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Isabel Palacios-

Hello, I'm Isabel and I enjoy design and doing projects that really allow my creativity flow. My top priority goal right now is to work as a UI designer at a company that promotes employee happiness above all and supports their well-being. I would also enjoy a job that supports my lifestyle as during my free time I really enjoy traveling, hiking, going out to eat, shopping, and spending time with my loved ones. I also have a love and fascination for animals, nature, and the spiritual world.

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Julian Poli-

Julian Poli was born and raised in Forest Hills, New York. He is currently pursuing an associate’s degree in civil engineering at LaGuardia Community College. Julian always had an interest in math and science, participating in various youth programs such as the Software Engineering Program (SEP), Maker Faire, and Mouse Squad. However, after graduating high school, Julian was uncertain if college was the right choice for him. After taking a gap year to save money, Julian decided to enroll into LaGuardia Community College, promising himself that he would put 110% of his effort into succeeding. He soon came to realize that college was the right thing for him because of the environment and friends he has met along the way. Julian hopes to one day work for the Department of Transportation in hopes to create high-speed rail networks in the United States.

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Nicholas Pillay-

My name is Nicholas Pillay and I currently major in Electrical Engineering Technology at New York City College of Technology. Inside and outside the classroom, when I'm a part of something, I always work hard towards it, strive to learn everything about it, and have the most fun with it. After I receive my Bachelor’s degree, I look to never stop furthering my education and skillset, but to also build a career now as an Electrical Engineer in some of the most innovative technology companies that are making a positive difference to countless people. Later in life I also hope to travel to some of the most technological advanced places in the world and see how life is different around the world. Some things outside of the classroom that I hold an interest in are, finance, weight training, watching motorsports (huge Formula 1 fan!), and following the newest technologies as they're released!

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Alvin Liu-

I am a rising Sophomore at CUNY Baruch College gradating in May 2025, studying Computer Information Systems with a focus in Cybersecurity. My goal is to become a Cybersecurity Analyst in the future after I graduate. I got interested Cybersecurity due to the colonial pipeline cyberattack because I feel like I want to help protect the company's data. In addition, I hope to take care of my parents and lessen their burden after I got a stable and good paying job. My hobbies are playing Video games made by Riot Games such as Valorant and League of Legends. While I'm Platinum IV in League of Legends, I'm still Bronze III in Valorant getting boosted to Silver by my friends. Another hobby that I enjoyed is watching streamers on Twitch like Loltyler1 because he is entertaining to say the least.

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Haoyuan Wu-

I am a computer science student. I would describe myself as someone who is highly-motivated, and I particularly enjoy working as a part of a team. I want to work on large, important projects and challenge myself. I like to seek out learning opportunities and I’m not afraid to fail and struggle as a part of learning. I feel the tech industry is the best place to do this right now. In my last project, I was part of a group of 7 people and we communicated multiple times per day to work as a unit, and I also interacted frequently with other groups like Sales, Customer Service, and more. I enjoy a fast-paced, team-oriented environment

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Farrukh Karimov-

I am a Senior at CCNY majoring in Computer Science. I've lived in the US since 2013. I always knew that my career would be something to do with technology and I ended up choosing the computer science field because of a Java course in my high school. I've tried android development, deep learning algorithms and even some game development, however, my favorite field of computer science is back-end/full stack development. Python has always been my favorite programming language but slowly I am transitioning to JavaScript. I am dedicated to keep learning about new web development concepts and improving my programming skills. In addition, I know 5 languages and I want to learn more in the future, so I can travel the world much easier. Besides coding, I enjoy watching/playing sports, mainly soccer and basketball. And after graduating, I hope to land a job as a back-end developer.

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Ethan Tam-

"Hey! I'm Ethan and I am from New York City and graduated from Hunter College in 2022. My major was in Computer Science but I hope to enter the Cybersecurity field as I've started to have an invested interest in that field ever since the recent courses I've taken for Cybersecurity, including the ones at CodePath. I'm looking forward to help others Some of my hobbies include video games and learning! My favorite video games include many MMOs like Runescape and Maplestory! Gaming is a big part of my hobby because of the vast nature of video games. There's an endless supply of entertaining and intriguing games to play that the hobby is limitless. As for learning, I am hoping to get more into understanding OSINT more and overall just expanding my knowledge within cybersecurity. I have an invested interest in cybersecurity because I value my cybersecurity and privacy, as you should too!"

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Haniya Ghauri-

I am a senior majoring in Computer Science with an interest in design. I am a very creative person with an eye for detail and enjoy creative-thinking for problem-solving. I want to apply my design skills to technology and make an impact through my work mixing my computer science background with design in my career as a UX/UI designer. My creative side kicks in other parts of my life too, like doing my friends’ henna and trying out new recipes. I also like spending time in nature; going on walks and having mini picnics in the park.

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Dmitriy Grushin-

I'm a late-game character. Was not a natural at software but will strive to be the best I can be. I'm not satisfied with mediocrity, average, or slightly above average I have to be the best me.

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Asim Khan-

I am Asim Khan, Graduate from Baruch college. I graduated college without any prior internship experience but Cuny Career launch and Unadat provided me this opportunity to step in the Tech industry and helped me gain real world experience.

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Jason Valerio Peralta-

I am a first generation student. I was born here in NYC, but my parents came from Mexico in 1996. I was never really social to begin with, but the pandemic did not make it any better for me since it hit during the second half of my junior year and my senior year was completely online. At the beginning of my 1st year in college most of my friends were from middle school except for 2 of them. My first year in college have changed the small circle I once had. I consider myself to be a curious person, which I feel that a lot of other people can say the same thing about themselves as well. Just like a lot of other people, I am not quite sure what I want to do with my curiosity, but I find it that doing more things that push me past my boundaries(or comfort zone) is necessary for my improvement in all aspects of my life.

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Radmir Sataev-

My name is Radmir Sataev. I study Computer Science at the Macaulay Honors College at the City College of New York campus. I'm a third-year student, and I will continue studying Computer Science this upcoming fall semester. Also, I have a minor in physics, which is my other passion besides Computer Science. I hope to work on something that involves both fields I'm interested in. As of right now, I am interning at Unadat as a Software Development Engineer Intern, and I work on a Money Coach team to develop a new branch on the website for Money Coaches, who are basically people who will help people to manage their assets. During my free time, I enjoy playing billiards and video games with my friends. In addition, I practice gymnastics and like to ice skate. Thus, the aforementioned information briefly summarizes most of my interests and the person I currently am.

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Dean Abusood-

"I am a Computer Science student who is aiming to be a fulltime software engineer to work on projects that help others. I have a passion for programming and love to build projects revolving around my personal hobbies and interests. I am always on the hunt to pick up new skills inside and outside of tech and welcome the competition. Some of my favorite things to do are playing guitar, gaming with friends, working out, watching films, and reading books/articles. When something piques my interest, I always try to find ways to include it in a small project of mine. I see myself as someone who loves to innovate and the challenge that comes with it."

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Hasnain Maqsood-

I am an avid gamer and I also have a fond appreciation of working out, I have a keen interest in working in either software engineering or possibly working related to cloud platforms and on top of that I have 2 cloud platform certifications, including the AWS CCP or amazon web services certified cloud practitioner as well as the Microsoft Azure 900 certification, I enjoy learning new things and I've learned to embrace the unknown, there used to be a time where if I was not immediately good at something I would feel like not learning it, but I've learned to move past that mind set and then give myself time to understand what I should be doing.

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Mohammed Uddin-

My name is Mohammed Uddin. I am entering my senior year as a student at Hunter College. I am majoring in both Computer Science and Statistics. I enjoy reading books and gaming. I plan on working as a Software Developer in the future. I am interested in both web development and machine learning. I find learning different programming languages very fun. My favorite programming languages are Python and C++. I also enjoy learning foreign languages, and right now I am learning Japanese. Programming started off as a hobby for me, but it quickly became something a wanted to pursue as a career path. I am grateful for this internship at Unadat that allowed me to gain practical experience for the future.

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Jared Hwee-

My name is Jared Hwee & I’m currently a senior at Baruch College with a goal to become a Data scientist. Prior to my time at Unadat, I was a database intern at the MTA where I learned how to use tools, like Excel and MS Access, to create meaningful reports to executives at the company. In my free time, I enjoy the outdoors—like basketball, handball, hiking— playing video games, and traveling to new places.

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Ryan Hinds-

I am currently a college senior hoping to work in the tech field as a software engineer. Unadat was a great place for my first internship. I learned so much and had a great experience.

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Elizabeth Okiji-

My name is Elizabeth. I'm a junior at York College. I major in management information system. I'm interested in product manager or business analysis.

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Dong Huang Chen-

Dong is a sharp student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the City College of New York. Dong has a strong interested in web, mobile, and game development. This summer Dong is participating in Code Path's technical interview prep to further his career in software engineering. When Dong is not studying or learning you can find him on a bike or by his local parks running and playing badminton.

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Ahnaf Shamim-

I am a current sophomore in Queens College who majors in Computer Science. As a kid I was always on my computer, so when it was time to get my life started, computer science seemed like a very appealing option. In my free time I love watching Anime, hiking or playing some volleyball with friends.

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Jesse Shi-

My name is Jesse Shi and I am currently a rising senior at Macaulay Honors College at Baruch. I am majoring in Computer Information Systems with a concentration in data analytics and minoring in math. Over my years in college, I have been able to gain experience in many different industries, including financial services, media, and tech.While I was born in New York City, I lived in China for the first 6 years of my life before moving back to the city, so you can say I have had the opportunity to experience significant parts of both Eastern and Western cultures. If there is one thing everyone who knows me would know about, it's that I love food, and I would travel far for food. Living in New York City all these years, I was able to expose myself to food from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

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Liza Feng-

Hello there! My name is Liza and I was an intern for Unadat during the summer of 2022. I like thinking about the way users utilize certain products and how to organize the website's tabs or buttons. I originally wanted to become a nurse because I did not know exactly what to do after high school. After getting into Hunter, I realized that nothing in nursing interested me and that I might become quickly burnt out from it. I enjoyed my high school engineering class so I thought I would become a product designer to create products that serve multiple functions. During the process of trying to transfer to a different school, I took a programming class for a requirement. That was where I learned that programming is similar to what I enjoyed in high school, using what I have to create a product. So I decided to be a computer science major. Now my goal is to become a full stack developer and then learn ios development to launch my own app one day. I dont know what the app would do right now but thats ok, I'll figure it out as I go.

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Daniel Lin-

Hello my name is Daniel Lin, I always been interested in computers ever since I was a kid and been playing games since I was in second grade which help spark my interest in Computer Science and Game Development. I currently go to Hunter College to pursue a degree in Computer Science and trying pursue a career as a Software Developer. In the future I do hope to do something with VR and maybe get a career surrounding around that. In my free time I enjoy playing all type of games and I like biking around the city on my free time since I like the view and exploring new areas I never been to before. I also enjoy trying new cuisines from different places, in the future when I have enough money, I hope to travel the world to try all different types of food and explore new areas.

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Markus Chmiel-

I am passionate for coding and learning new skills within the computer science field. My goal is work for a big tech company like Nvidia or Intel in the future. On my free time my hobbies include, coding, 3d-printing, and visiting new places. I enjoy experiencing new things and when time permits me, I like to travel to new countries. One interesting fact about me is that I have went sky diving multiple times (it is not scary as you think).

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Henry Cevallos-

Hi! I'm Henry an aspiring software engineer looking to provide smart solutions to everyday problems. I recently graduated from Hunter College Magna Cum Laude and received departmental honors for Computer Science. I majored in Computer Science and minored in Mathematics. I am looking to apply all my knowledge in a meaningful way within the tech industry. Apart from my love of coding I enjoy to solve Rubik's Cube puzzles, play guitar, and play strategy games. Growing up in Brooklyn, New York and as the son of immigrants has taught me the importance of hard work and dedication. These values are what shape me today.

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Esme Gonzalez-

I like to make spreadsheets to organize my course work, watch movies with my family, and do puzzles. My favorite foods are pizza, sushi and buffalo wings. My favorite color is blue. My pet peeves would be bugs and loud chewing. Fun fact: I have a dog named Rio. I would say, I enjoy my job as a sales professional because I am able to help families receive lessons to prepare their children to swim safely. My goal is to have new experiences and to learn as much as I can in my career . My hobbies would be gaming, sketching, painting and reading. I also like to listen to music while doing hobbies and activities. I am proud to come from a family that is the first generation to go to school and get a degree.

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Hana Ashraf-

Hi! My name is Hana Ashraf, and I'm a Junior at Macaulay Honors College at Hunter, majoring in Emerging/Digital Media. My perfect leisurely evening consists of painting and watching a reality tv show with friends. I love to laugh, as many people do, so I'm a big fan of comedy stand-up specials. Especially ones by Hasan Minhaj, Trevor Noah, and John Mulaney. When I was 16, my artwork which consisted of clay sculptures, redesigned t-shirts, and professional photography, was exhibited at MoMA Ps1. My interest in design & research today has stemmed and flourished from this creative & artistic side of me. I'm very proud of my accomplishments thus far and hope to achieve many more.

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Tahreem Ishfaq-

I am a senior at Queens College majoring in Computer Science. I want to pursue a career as a Front-end software engineer. I want to help people through the use of technology. I like learning about different perspectives and maybe that’s why I want to travel the world and learn about different cultures. I also love trying different types of food. My hobbies include reading and baking.

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Tasnimud Tanzid-

I am currently a sophomore year student at Baruch college majoring in CIS and minoring in computer Science. My interest in life is working in an intersection where I can teach people and working in the development of my own product. Over the last two and a half years, I have been working as a financial analyst team member in Jp Morgan Chase by providing my team members with the appropriate tools and products that help them to meet their financial goal everyday. Working as an analyst, I have found an interest to work in an intersection where I can teach people about products and gain some real life experiences as well. I previously began my career tutoring for SAT prep in a private institution named Kweller Prep located in downtown Manhattan. I work closely with other tutors as a group and train the new tutors to make sure that all the curriculums are provided and delivered to the students on time. As a tutor, I have done 15 seminars in the last two years with other SAT prep tutors from different states all over the US. Through this work, I have also helped students to reach their professional goals and have come to genuinely value assisting others to succeed. Besides that I recently worked as part time tutor for Baruch SACC consulting center and achieved my level 1 position in the job. My goal in this organization is to become a master tutor and help students out as much as I possibly can. While working as a Leadership team member, and tutoring students for SAT prep, I highly developed multitasking skills as a Vice-President at the Baruch MBA club where I help organize events, prepare, and oversee student life club budgets through the use of Microsoft excel. As I mentioned before the intersection where I desire to work, I hope these experiences I have gained over the last few year, I believe those skills will make the way easy and simple for me and my career as well.

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Taseen Islam-

Hello! My name is Taseen Islam and I am a sophomore at the Macaulay Honors College studying a Computer Science, Computational Math, and Applied Math triple major. My interests lie in biotech and how tech and AI can be used to combat cancer, aid drug discovery, and make medical research faster and more efficient. I'm also interested in the cross between tech, politics, and ethics and would love to chat about these topics. I was a chemistry major in high school, but after working at a cancer nanotechnology lab at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for over a year, I realized I couldn't see myself doing benchwork for the rest of my life. However, I fell in love with the software and data analysis tools I used in the lab and saw how much technology could help with advancing research and making a positive impact on the scientific community. This led me to declare Computer Science as my major in college. Just this past January, I participated in the Impact Fellowship, a program bringing students together to create tech for social good. My group and I created an SMS-based chatbot for refugees that taught coding tutorials in over 100 languages, complete with an AI tutor. I saw the potential of technology for social good and this project pushed me to further explore the intersection of technology, education, and public good. I want to have a direct impact on the health and happiness of others, and my dream is to do this by combining software and biology to create tools such as artificial intelligence to aid in drug discovery or data analysis models to predict the spread of disease. I love to learn and debate new uses for tech in politics and healthcare, so if you find any cool articles or lectures about innovative AI and other new technologies, please send them to me, thank you!

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Gustavo Grijalba-

Hi! My name is Gustavo Grijalba and I am a current sophomore computer science student at Hunter College and an aspiring software/web developer. I love learning new things, especially when they help me in creating something I am passionate about or think is interesting (such as HTML and CSS, which have helped me create personal websites that I am proud of despite their amateurish look). Outside of computer science, I am really into reading, movies, and cats! My favorite book is "The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea" by Yukio Mishima; Mishima's flowery prose makes even the dark and disturbing seem beautiful in this book -- it's an absolutely fantastic read. I am also really into gothic literature, some of my favorites are "The Turn of the Screw" by Henry James, "The Haunting of Hill House" by Shirley Jackson, and "Dracula" by Bram Stoker: I find it really interesting that with just words on a page I can feel such intense feelings of dread, anxiety, and fear. Naturally, I am also heavily invested into horror movies and their sub-genres. My favorite movie is Kiyoshi Kurosawa's "Cure"; it's not only an enticing detective story, but also an unsettling exploration of the human psyche. My love for both literature and cinema has led me to pursue photography as a hobby, and I'd hope that I'd be able to create stories with just pictures in the future. I am also a big lover of cats! I own three cats named Dior, Pancha and Pancho. All my cats are either rescues or from shelters. My hope in the future is to receive TNR certification so I can help save more cats from the streets and put them into loving homes. That's all from me -- thank you for reading my little blurb! I hope you've learned a little more about me.

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Liwen Cui-

I used to be very lost in life. I used to want to settle for just a 9 to 5 job for life, thinking that barely enough money to support myself, go to the gym, and eat was enough. I've had quite a few jobs, but none of them ever made sense to me. There was a feeling inside me that told me this kind of life wasn't the best for me in the long term. I used to be very emotional, and was told that shedding tears was okay for a man. Throughout my childhood, I was always the kid who had been bullied, verbally and physically. I thought that was because I was too different from others and that I needed to hide myself. But as time went by, I realized that men are getting weaker and weaker. Many modern men seem to just want to peacefully settle down and live a mediocre life. I didn't want to be one of those men. I wanted more out of life. I wanted to explore my potential and see what I was truly capable of achieving. So, I started to make changes in my life. First, I began to take better care of myself. I started to eat healthier and exercise regularly, which helped me to feel better both physically and mentally. I also began to surround myself with positive influences, people who believed in me and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. I started to take risks, trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone. I found that the more I challenged myself, the more I grew as a person. I also began to focus on my passions and what truly made me happy. It wasn't easy, and I faced many obstacles and setbacks along the way. But I kept pushing forward, knowing that I was on the right path. Now, looking back on my journey, I realize that the person I was before was just a shadow of who I am today. I am more confident, more driven, and more fulfilled than I ever thought possible. I know that there is still much more to discover and achieve, but I am excited for the journey ahead. And I hope that by sharing my story, I can inspire others to take a chance on themselves and live their lives to the fullest.

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Matthew LaBarca-

Kevin Chong-

My name is Kevin, I was born in Venezuela, my parents are from China, so I can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, and English. I am currently a senior majoring in statistics and minoring in mathematics at Baruch College. I have been fascinated to numbers as I grew up, those come naturally to me, so I want to be a data scientist in the future. The programming language I have learned so far are Python, R, and SQL. In my spare time, I enjoy playing basketball, watching the NBA (my favorite team is the Golden State Warriors), watching movies in the theater with my friends, etc. I have visited three countries, China, Panama, Dominican Republic, and I want to travel around the world in the future (after I have a work and get rich), the first destination would be countries in Europe. During my college life, I have made new friends, taken classes from both good and bad professors, and eaten at almost every restaurant around Baruch (many restaurants are expensive and the quality and taste of the food is bad). As an international student, it is really hard to get an internship or full-time job because many companies would not sponsor. Therefore, I have been working hard to enrich my resume. Finally, it is my pleasure to work at Unadat. I am very excited about this opportunity, and I hope to make new friends, enhance my communication skills and critical thinking skills, and gain valuable work experience as a result of it. I hope to help more families to outsmart debt through Unadat.

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Kazi Anwar-

I'm Kazi! I am a sophomore at Hunter College and majoring in Computer Science. I came to America six years ago and I have experienced both the challenges and the opportunities that come with being part of a diverse immigrant community. From searching for homes to working two jobs at the very least to fund my household, I have always been hardworking and driven. I'm a completionist at heart. Whether its a game or the excel sheet I use to keep track of my assignments, I try my best to leave no boxes unchecked. While sometimes it is to my detriment as I lose sleep over things I left unfinished, it is what makes me, me. I love seeing things completed so I can unwind knowing I do not have tasks uncompleted. However, as I grow older I realize that some tasks are always looming on the horizon. On top of being hardworking, I am passionate about coding and technology. Coming from a low-income background myself, I want to be able to provide back and make sure others from first generation low-income households thrive. I believe that computer science has the power to make a positive impact on people's lives, and that's why I'm always looking for ways to apply my skills to projects that make a difference. Seeing people happy, laughing and smiling is something I hold dear to my heart. It is the sole reason I find something fulfilling. If I know people are benefitting and are living more prosperous lives just because of me, it gives me an added incentive. Outside of school and work, I am always looking for ways to improve my skills and give back to the community. I have created my personal website, where I share my experiences and takes on various things. I have also created a discrete structures playlist on YouTube, where I explain complex discrete computer science concepts in an easy-to-understand way. All in all, helping others and making a positive impact on people's lives is what drives me, and I am always looking for new opportunities to do so!

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Hnin Lwin-

My name is Hnin Lwin, while my name can be a bit tricky to pronounce (it's actually "ninh" which is my name spelled backwards!). I am currently a third year studying Computer Science at Hunter College. I actually changed my major 2 semesters ago, from Medical Lab Science to Computer Science, when I realized that I wanted a career that would allow me to continuously learn and grow while also providing me with the flexibility to spend time with my family. Being a Medical Lab Technician did not really give me those options, as I cannot bring home chemicals home to work on them. For that reason, I made the switch to Computer Science and I have been loving it so far. One thing I love most is that the skills I am learning can potentially change people’s lives outside of my own circle and it is very fulfilling to know that many people can benefit from me building an application that I am passionate for. In the past year and a half, I also have been fortunate enough to do a micro-internship at JPMC, win two hackathon awards, become a teaching assistant for a CS course, and participate in a Codepath course to enhance my technical skills. These experiences have taught me that I thrive in a proactive, collaborative environment where there's always something new to learn and where I am challenged. While I still have a long way to go in my learning journey, I am excited to continue to grow and develop my skills. In fact, one of my goals for the upcoming summer is to enroll in another CodePath course and build a project using Java. Lastly, one of the hobbies I picked up these days is to go to the gym. It's a great way for me to feel connected to my body and stay grounded. I also love the feeling of becoming stronger through consistent effort and dedication.

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Henry Suarez-

Starting with my elevator pitch, I'm a 3rd year computer science major at the city college of New York. I'm leaning towards a career in software engineering/ data analysis and would love a career in Edtech or Big tech. Before I started my tech journey in college I went to a technical high school where I spent most of my time working towards obtaining an airframe and powerplant license to work on aircraft maintenance. I was usually top of the class with a selection of others and was very close to finishing all of my class rotations to be eligible to take my exams which would of given me my license. However, Covid shut down my school a few weeks before I was eligible and since no one knew how long it would be closed I made the choice to go to college and it's where I've been at since. (I made the right choice, it took 2 years for the school to reopen and the career choices were not that great). Another big thing about me is I have a knack for learning. I enjoy hearing new ideas, seeing new processes and just listening to anything in general. If someone has something to teach whatever it is I'll usually want to listen. Currently, if I'm not trying to push my technical skills I'm trying to learn Portuguese and get better cooking skills. Last thing I would say is I'd might describe myself as "Ambitious". I'm always applying for new opportunities, always working on improving interviewing skills and constantly trying to attend network events/ office visits/ seminars/ hackathons/ summits.. etc. If there's something I can find to attend in my free time, I'm registering.

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Kiki Yem-

Hi, I'm Kiki. I'm a Junior at Baruch College majoring in Computer Information Systems and minoring in Graphic Arts. I'm currently the Engagement Director for Consult Your Community at Baruch College. We are a non-profit organization that provides pro-bono consulting services to minority owned small businesses in NYC. I've been a part of the organization for 3 years and love it because I'm working directly with the small business owners and get to learn how to tackle different small businesses problems. I also love it because I grew up with my parents owning a Malaysian restaurant so I get to learn how I could've helped them. When I get my first pot of gold, I hope to start a small café/dessert shop. I love to bake, discover new recipes, and re-create desserts I have tried outside. For now, I hope to get a full time role in the tech industry because I enjoy how fast paced everything is. I think I have a very logical way of thinking/problem solving, but at the same time I like being creative and designing. This makes me really enjoy coding and web development. The roles in tech also pay really well. It can fund maybe the café but especially the many places I will travel to. Traveling and discovering different places is something I really enjoy. I'm very fortunate that traveling is a big part of my mom's goals too. It's probably not that financially wise but we save up only to travel. I'm only 20 and have been to 8 countries and many states. I'm actually going to Italy and France soon.

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Anthony Poon-

I'm Anthony Poon, and I am a sophomore at Hunter College majoring in Computer Science and Chinese Flagship. I have experience as a web developer for the Chinese Department of Hunter College and I've spent the past year building Chinese language-learning exercises utilizing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and jQuery. I'm also very familiar with C++, Python, and Java through the programming, algorithms, and data structures courses I've taken in school. Outside of school, I love to do taekwondo, fencing, play guitar, learn languages, and play video games. I am an avid learner, and I particularly enjoy building passion projects with friends. Collaborating with peers is a value that I emphasize, and I believe that the process of working with friends or classmates is more effective and fun than working alone. From recreating games like Candy Crush and Chess to building a descrambler/dictionary website, I've come to realize I belong in an extremely collaborative environment where communication is an important value. As a Chinese Flagship major, I have the unique opportunity to merge my curiosity of Chinese culture and language with my career in Computer Science by studying abroad in Taiwan and meeting professionals in the local technology industry. I plan to travel the world and meet different people, each with their own backgrounds and experiences to become both a competent, knowledgeable professional, as well as a well-rounded individual. I ultimately hope that I can work toward building products to make the world a better place, bringing not only convenience but also safety for all people.

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Rakib Shahid-

I am a college student studying computer science. I have been playing with computers since I was a very young child so it's all I know and I enjoy every second of it. I thoroughly enjoy learning about all of the different components that make up each computer, whether it's a normal desktop computer, a tiny motherboard on a phone, or a massive server rack, I love learning about how the components work together with the software. When I was younger I would crudely take apart our laptops and phones to see what's inside, now I repair old computers and build new ones for myself and my friends. My love for coding however started around middle school when I was first introduced to programming through a class. It was then that I discovered my passion for the inner workings and software that make computers what they are today. Since then, I have dedicated countless hours to learning different programming languages and building projects on my own. As I continue my education in computer science, I am excited to delve deeper into modern technologies like machine learning and computer vision. I am eager to apply these skills to real-world problems and help make a difference in people's lives. In my spare time I like to combine my hobbies and code programs that help make being an F1 fan, retro console enthusiast, and guitarist easier. Of course, there are times when I feel like being completely unproductive, and when that time comes I like to play videogames and simrace with friends or just spend hours playing guitar.

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Anish Pandey-

My name is Anish. I'm studying computer science at Hunter College. I was born in Nepal, and then I moved to America when I was 8. My parents actually won a diversity lottery to come here. We first came to Kentucky then moved to NYC after a couple months. I've been living here since. As for my hobbies I like playing video games, hiking, basketball, going to the gym & also a little bit of photography. I really like traveling too, that's a big thing for me. I've been to a couple places by myself, I went to Rome for a week last year & also to Colorado (there were a lot of amazing hiking trails). Both were a lot of fun & I definitely want to do more traveling in the future. As for what I want to do in the future, it's definitely coding for now. I actually started off as a nursing major, and then last year (my junior year) I ended up switching to computer science because I couldn't see myself being a nurse after starting clinicals/labs. I've been enjoying the major a lot and a lot of the classes have actually been fun surprisingly. I feel like a big part of computer science is problem-solving, which I really like. A lot of my assignments in class would feel like puzzles I had to solve instead of doing heavy work. I also really enjoy the creative aspect of it, since I'm not good at art/music I feel like coding is kind of my creative outlet. I really like being able to work on projects that I think are cool. My favorite project I made was a pretty simple voice assistant program in python. Basically you'd be able to ask it questions like what events do I have on a certain day, and using the google calendar API it'd tell you all the events, there were a couple other features too (weather, news, maps, etc). It was a lot of fun working on it & I learned a lot from it too.

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Cristian Guerrero-

I am a senior at Baruch College super interested in technology, in particular fintech and blockchain. I am majoring in Computer Information Systems and have been involved in various campus organizations. I was the Head of Research and Development at the College Entrepreneurial Organization for a year and am currently the Co-Host of the Organization's podcast called Vault Podcast. I Co-Founded a clothing brand called Homme D'affaire and was the Head of Research and Development there as well. I am a Co-Founder of Baruch Blockchain, which is exciting, and I look forward to seeing the club grow with students passionate about blockchain. I am working towards becoming a Product Manager in the future. Aside from my professional background, I am someone who enjoys meeting new people, talking about ideas, exploring new places and having fun experiences. I strive to live a life of humility, consistency, and ambition. I look to understand other people's perspectives and empathize with where they are coming from. What makes me tick is talking about exciting ideas, not only just in technology, but also in business and other domains. This goes hand in hand with my curiosity to learn new things. I want to learn about interesting ideas because it can help me see the world from a better perspective and it can make me a better person overall. As for what tickles my belly, I would figuratively say a good comedy show that I can relate to, or just having a good time with friends and family.

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Ashfak Uddin-

I'm sure you know my general description and career interests from previous questions, so I'll get into the more nuanced side of myself. I love experimenting with different food combinations and either gagging or loving how they taste; from chips dipped in Nutella to salty milk to kiwi with pizza (I gagged just as much as you think I did). I really do recommend peanut butter with ice cream though. I love reading about mysteries and how they get solved; not much of an expert myself but I can appreciate how much skill it takes to turn away from a setup and infer what actually happened from clues. Similarly, I love seeing people interact with each other to see firsthand the inner workings of our brains; we prefer company over loneliness no matter how introverted you are, we sometimes prefer low risk low reward versus high risk high reward, we flock to people similar to us personality wise and might ostracize those who aren't, etc. I tend to take the least favored side of arguments I find myself invested in. I love playing devil's advocate, waging a mental war against multiple other people alone is my form of entertainment. Cackling with glee as I find my "opponents" contradict themselves or each other. You may call me an evil mastermind being like that; I just find it interesting to see how different individual people can be but ultimately how similar we are at our cores. I do recognize that this approach can sometimes be seen as argumentative or confrontational, and I make sure to never insult anyone directly (even if I may seem to at first glance), and always listen to others hoping for a genuine, thoughtful discussion.

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Tong Lin-

I am a sophomore and currently majoring in Computer Science. I started coding in my freshmen year since I didn't know what career to choose in my high school year. Ironically, I have never thought I would want to become a software engineer since I thought I could never imagine myself dealing with computer coding. However, I'm here now, and I actually enjoy it. Even though I only have short coding experience, I'm trying my best to catch up. I have experience in React.js, Bootstrap, C++, Python, Javascript, SQL, and PHP. In addition, I'm currently trying to learn web development and considering learning machine learning and AI in the summer. I believe openness is essential in a team since it promotes an excellent atmosphere for everyone to ask questions. Moreover, I'm also working on asking more questions and having more openness in my team. Therefore, as a teammate, I will always try my best to support my team and reach our goals, and please don't hesitate to reach out to me. One "weird" habit I have during coding is to have my dog near me. Whenever I get anxious about coding, I pull my dog from his sleep and start staring at him, eye to eye, until I don't feel anxious. At first, my dog will be surprised, but eventually, he will fall asleep again... Although it might sound like a weird action to do during coding, it does help on releasing stress. Throughout the internship, you might suddenly see my dog popping out on my screen, but I will try to let him stay calm. At last, I'm looking forward to learning and improving my hard and soft skills throughout this unique opportunity at Unadat with my teammates. I wish good luck to all of us.

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Vivien Chang-


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Kevin Fong-


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Jia Chen-


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Sidney Hans-


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Leon Belegu-


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Asif Karim-


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Sehr Abrar-


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Alvin Wu-


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Kriada Nikaj-


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Benjamin Yi-


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Logan Santin-


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Priya Thakur-


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Lixuan Cao-


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Stanley Fung-


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Tahseen Asif-


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Shouhan Ding-


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Sunqiao Lin-


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Zicheng Yang-


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Nicole Spina-


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Iliana Yelin-


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Harvey Zhang-


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Angy Vasquez-


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Xing Chen-


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Arielle Uy-


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Paulo Xu-


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Tej Sunar-


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Yaohui Wu -


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Xiara Pilarte -


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Zuquan Hu -


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Eric Yang -


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Rahim Miah -


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Leyi Shi -


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Julie Diaz -


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Ryan Li -

Hello everyone my name is Ryan Li and I'm a Senior at Baruch College majoring in Digital Marketing with a minor in Communication Studies. My goal as a marketer is to eventually become my own boss and to build my own businesses.

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Tahsin Hossain -

My name is Tahsin, and I am a student at Hunter College, pursuing a degree in Computer Science. My skills include experience with C++, proficiency in Python, and JavaScript. I have experience with database management and web development.

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Aprajita Srivastava -

Aprajita Srivastava is an undergraduate at Grove School of Engineering Student majoring in Computer Science and in the graduating class of 2025. She is pursuing a degree in Computer Science in hopes of becoming a Data Scientist in the future. Her interest in data science is sparked by data-driven insights and the potential of machine learning to alter industries. As she continues to study and grow, she is excited to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world impact.

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Aaron Zhang -

My name is Aaron Zhang, I'm a Junior from Hunter College trying to get a degree in Comp Sci. My end goal in life is to make a successful and fun game! I love playing games but I don't slack off on work either!

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Savitri Hariram -

I am a first-generation college student. I attend Queens College as a double major in Accounting and English. I also work at my college as a college assistant at our Writing Center. I am a senior looking into getting my CPA license. I enjoy reading and writing essays that allow me to analyze my ideas and I also love discussion!

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Maxim Voyevoda -

I'm a Computer Science student at CUNY College of Staten Island. At Unadat, I worked as a Technical Product Manager. I am passionate about the intersection of full-stack web development and machine learning.

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Vitaliy Prymak -

My love for creative, beautiful interfaces came in High School. I was growing up in a small town in Ukraine and in our school, programming languages were not taught, but I was introduced to PowerPoint and I got hooked on creating beautiful designs for my school projects, reports, and presentations. Later in my career after I came to the States, I worked as a tour guide in Central Park, before the travel industry was disrupted by COVID. I started to think about what I can do next and I became interested in Quality Assurance. I signed up for a course and towards the end, I was introduced to HTML and CSS. This is where my AHA moment came. I learned about Front End Development which revived my forgotten interest in creating amazing interfaces. I am now studying Computer Science at the College of Staten Island where I focused on web development.

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Robert Le -

Hello, I'm Robert and I'm currently trying to specialize in full stack web development while also doing some side learning on Data Engineering/AI. In my time here at Unadat I was able to work mostly on frontend portions of the website, combined with backend collaboration with the respected team. I loved my time and team here, and I always liked the weekly demo/feedback meetings because it not only showcased progression/tasks being completed but also passion of Unadat's goal to create an easy to use UI/UX to aid users for a big problem in today's society, to reduce debt.

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Joshua Lim -

Growing up in the busy city of New York, I've come to see software development as a parallel to urban life. Just as the city never sleeps, this field never stops evolving. Software development, like the city itself, offers a boundless realm of possibilities to turn ideas into reality, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me. Looking forward, I'm on a journey of growth and innovation. I'm eager to take on new challenges, explore my creativity, and convert innovative ideas into reality. My dream is to build my own business and collaborate with companies that share my passion. Right now, I'm taking the small steps that lead to big adventures.

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Kevin Rojas -

I'm Kevin Rojas, a junior studying computer science at Hunter College. I've interned as a beta tester, gaining hands-on experience in front-end development and software testing. My goal is to become a skilled software engineer, and I'm passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems.

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Bruce K Vera -

By the end of this semester, I am looking forward to completing my degree in the Computer Systems major with the specific concentration on software development. I was born in the United States with Ecuadorian ancestry and am willing to contribute my special point of view to my educational journey. I came to study this field cause of my interest in games that since then evolved to my curiosity about technology and programming. This way, I have moved towards the right direction to achieve my career goal as a software developer.

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Eyad Alsahori -

My name is Eyad Alsahori, I'm a first-generation immigrant, originally from Palestine. I moved to New York for its diversity and its potential to open up new horizons. I am currently studying Computer Science at the College of Staten Island. Growing up, I developed a passion for technology and its transformative impact on society. From a young age, I found myself fascinated by computers, software, and how they could be used to solve real-world problems. This passion eventually led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science. At Unadat, I worked on the web and backend development team, where I got to contribute to meaningful projects that made an impact. Looking forward, I want to continue developing my skills and explore the ever-changing field of software development.

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Byron Chen -

I am Byron Chen. I lived in Brooklyn since my early childhood. I am a CUNY Baruch student. I am an operations management and consulting major with a minor in communication study.

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Jessica Flores Olmos -

My name is Jessica Flores Olmos, and I am a Junior at Hunter College majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Mandarin. I am the middle child in a family of five and I am also the only daughter. I am interested in fashion, music lyrics, and how they intersect in my daily life. I hope to work towards a position that might allow me to apply my interests, skills, and hobbies to learn as much as I can.

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Jasur Halilov -

Hey! My name is Jasur. And I major in computer science at Brooklyn college. I am currently interning as a software engineer at Unadat. I'm passionate about sports and racing. Whether on the field or the track, I love the challenge and thrill of competition. My values revolve around resilience and personal growth. I believe in facing challenges head-on, learning from setbacks, and constantly improving myself, both professionally and personally.

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Jing Gan -

As a senior majoring in computer science with a background in marketing, I'm passionate about utilizing data analytics to propel business growth and tackle challenges. My ultimate goal is to become a project manager, leading my own team and spearheading impactful projects.

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Brandon Dickinson -

I'm an incoming first-gen Indian-American college graduate at CUNY Brooklyn College. I had the opportunity to be one of Unadat's Business Development & Marketing Interns. Through this internship, I've further advanced my skills in market research & analysis so I can potentially reach one of my career goals to become a Real Estate Investor.

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Muhammad Chaudhry -

My name is Muhammad Chaudhry and I am a sophomore at CUNY Hunter College as a Daeadalus Honors student. I've been coding since middle school and am passionate about web development and software engineering and hope to become a software engineer in the future. I enjoy going to hackathons and have created numerous projects using web development and mobile app development, my team and I recently won a hackathon as well for our medication mobile app. In my free time I like to lift weights, play volleyball, and play video games with my friends.

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Fred Spielman -

Hello, my name is Fred Spielman, and I am a second-year computer engineering student at The City College of New York. My career goal is to become a hardware engineer, since I have always been interested in how electronic devices function. I enjoy watching movies, with my favorite directors being Martin Scorsese, Park Chan-wook, and Quentin Tarantino. Another hobby that I recently started and have been enjoying is taking care of and observing my planted freshwater aquarium.

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Jonathan Bissu -

My name is Jonathan Bissu and I am a senior at Queens College set to graduate with a bachelors degree in computer science. I have an extensive background in software engineering and currently have aspirations of becoming a full-stack software engineer. My interests consist of web development, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. In my free time, I enjoy weightlifting, playing piano, painting, and cooking my favorite meals.

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Tuna Nergizoglu -

I was born in Ankara, Turkey where I went to school until the sophomore year of high school. After that, I moved to Spain to complete my high school education with a dream of going to college in the United States. That dream came true when I got my acceptance letter from Baruch College in New York City.

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Aviv Cohen -

Aviv is a CUNY Queens College graduate with a bachelor's in Computer Science and a focus in back-end programming but always happy to help where he can. His cats, Scrappy and Coco, help him while coding by acting as his rubber ducks.

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Colin Wong -

I am a junior at Queens College, studying Computer Science with a focus on Full Stack Development and a keen interest in data engineering. I am excited to further develop my skills this summer as a Full Stack Developer at Classlink. Although my professional experience in data engineering is just beginning, I am eager to dive deeper into this area. Outside of my studies, I enjoy playing basketball and League of Legends, activities that sharpen my strategic thinking and collaboration skills.

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Mazen Abdelaziz -

Hi, I'm Mazen Abdelaziz, a New Yorker with Egyptian roots. Currently, I'm a senior Economics major at Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College. I'm passionate about understanding economic principles and their real-world applications. Outside of academics, I enjoy spending time with friends and family. As I approach graduation, I'm excited about the opportunities ahead to apply my knowledge and make a positive impact in the field of Finance.

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Margarita Musaeva -

I am currently a senior at Brooklyn College majoring in computer science. I have interests in software engineering and data science.

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Yana Sivakova -

Yana, born and raised in Belarus, moved to New York 3 years ago. Such a life change makes me a Wearing many hats Yana, who found herself in product management. A person who structures all her work, but not her life. I believe in the power of yoga to find balance and clarity amidst the chaos. Living with a motto: be honest and be in the moment.

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Ahmed Malik -

My name is Ahmed Malik, a computer science major from Queens College. I love playing competitive video games, and enjoy playing sports with my friends. Another thing I love doing is cooking, as it brings me closer to my mother and gives us another thing to bond over.

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Lilian Chang -

I am a Junior student at Hunter College, majoring in English Linguistics and Rhetoric. I have a passion for writing, marketing, and most importantly, matcha lattes. In the future, I would like to further my education and become a Speech Pathologist.

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Ishmam Fardin -

I am currently a junior at City College majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Business Administration. I consider myself a writer and someone who's heavily invested in learning and growth. Writing brings more clarity, helps find gaps in knowledge, and scales what I know to help others. Part of those qualities is what also made me interested in technology, where I have the ability to write solutions that can impact millions of people. My goal is to become someone who can leave his mark wherever he goes, become someone who paves the path for new innovations, someone reliable to those around him and those using his work (code, writing, etc).

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Amira Abdelmohsen -

Hey there! I'm Amira, a sophomore at Hunter College. When I'm not lost in a whirlwind of 24 unrelated tabs on my laptop, you'll probably find me brewing up some coffee or diving into a new hobby (currently checking on my broccoli sprouts!). My favorite food is sushi, which is honestly kind of cheating because there are just soooo many varieties—great because now I'll never get sick of eating it! Oh, and did I mention my secret ambition to use technology to save the world? Still working on the cape though...

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Coby Wise -

Hey! I am a junior studying Computer Science at Hunter College. When I am not studying, I am probably watching something on Netflix or relaxing with friends. I also enjoy playing video games and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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Melissa Mojum -

Hello! My name is Melissa and I am currently an Economics and Psychology major at The City College of New York. My personal interests include painting, attempting to make foods from various cultures, running, journaling, watching movies, and visiting museums. I enjoy visiting museums and exploring multiple forms of art because it allows me to connect with others of various cultures and backgrounds. My goal is to be able to have my own business one day!

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Amina Mamatkulova -

I am currently a freshman at Baruch College majoring in Entrepreneurship. I was born and raised in Uzbekistan, and I moved to the United States in 2021. I enjoy trying new foods, traveling, and dancing!

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Rhea Augustine -

Rhea Augustine is a Junior who is enthusiastic about learning while sharing her knowledge with others. She was an accounting major, partaking in the accounting club at CSI before realizing that her true passion was in tech. She is now a transfer student pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems. Throughout her college career, she was simultaneously working as the caregiver of a patient with Down syndrome, a job which allowed her to attain essential skills such as organizational skills, keen attention to detail, and time management. Skills which she wishes to use to give back to her community at Medgar Evers College.

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Brandon Huggins -

I'm a first-generation freshman seeking a position in the financial industry, who is very ambitious and loves engaging in conversations.

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William Wuliang -

I'm a senior computer science student at Hunter College with an underlying passion for healthcare that's driving my career trajectory. While coding and algorithms are fascinating, my heart lies in the intersection of technology and healthcare, where I aim to make a meaningful impact. Outside of academics, you'll often find me indulging in my hobbies—watching movies, playing sports, particularly basketball, and immersing myself in cinematic experiences like my favorite film, "Everything Everywhere All at Once" from A24.

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Dulina Gunasekara -

I am Dulina Gunasekara, a dedicated Computer Science student at Hunter College, graduating in May 2024. Based in Staten Island, NY, my technical skills are broad and versatile, including proficiency in React, Node.js, PostgreSQL, and various other technologies.

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Uswa Qamar -

My name is Uswa. I attend CCNY, currently pursuing a Computer Science major with aspirations to become a program manager in the tech field.

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Amelie Charov -

Hi! My name is Amelie, and I am currently in my final year at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, New York, which is where I was born and raised. I’m a media major, and enjoy media production.

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