Meet the intern

First Last

Age: 12

College: Broke College

Education Level: Senior

Career Interest: Yes

My name is bob.

Team: Unknown

Hello I was on team this

Projects Worked On:

I worked on the xyz.

How is this internship different from classes/previous internships? Has this internship helped your future career plans?

QA 1 stuff

What was one big project you worked on during the internship? Can you walk me through the process?

QA 2 stuff

How has company culture guided your work?

QA 3 stuff

What was the biggest roadblock you've overcome?

QA 4 stuff

How does your project compare to how it started?

QA 5 stuff

What was the impact of your project?

QA 6 stuff

What did you learn or improve on from this internship or from your teammates?

QA 7 stuff

What is your advice to the next crop of interns?

QA 8 stuff

What new skills have you picked up?

QA 9 stuff

What did the company’s culture mean for you?

QA 10 stuff

What was your role during the internship?

QA 11 stuff

During this internship, what have you learned/improved so far?

QA 12 stuff

Did you run into any problems or obstacles? What was your strategy to overcome the obstacles?

QA 13 stuff

What advice would you give to incoming interns?

QA 14 stuff


Read what others have to say about {name here}

"This person is great" - John

"Wow" - Jane

"Amazing worker" - Jim


Executive summary

Stay in touch

Get to know me

What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?+

Tell me about a joke that makes you laugh (or post a link to the photo)+

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?+

If you could have any superpower you want, what would it be? Why?+

What are your favorite TV shows? (top 3)+

If you could get yourself anything, what would you get?+

What's the weirdest assumption you've heard about yourself?+

What's something that made you really proud recently?+

What was a simple act of kindness that you performed that had a disproportionate effect on a person?+

Ask your own question & answer it+

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