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Thank you for considering a donation to Unadat, our brainchild that hosts Goals and other crucial projects.

If any of our goals have positively impacted your life, we invite you to consider making a donation. Whether you choose to support a specific goal or contribute to other critical initiatives, your generosity fuels our mission of empowerment and support. By indicating which goals are more useful, your donation brings us closer to our shared vision of creating a better future for individuals and families worldwide.

With a lot of money tied in the digital services, it is hard to know what to trust online these days. Unadat is different - not perfect, but it stands apart with a business model that does not rely on selling your data, safeguarding anonymity and its commitment to maintaining free access for all users. It is created for everyone, for people and their families, because together we have the power to enhance our lives, one goal at a time.

Your generosity builds our community of supporters and fuels our culture. As always, there are no small contributions: every referral counts, every donation counts.

Consider purchasing Unadat merchandise as it also supports our work.

Thank you.

Your Goals team

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Where will your donation go

To people using this Goal: Servers, bandwidth, maintenance, development. Unadat is free to its users.

People and Projects: The other top websites have thousands of employees. Unadat has only several dedicated staff and volunteers to support a wide variety of projects, making your donation a great investment in a highly-efficient organization.

Unadat does not provide tax deduction support for the donations

We do not sell or trade your information to anyone. By donating, you agree to share your personal information with the Unadat, the for-profit organization pursuant to our donor policy. Unadat and its service providers are located in the United States and in other countries whose privacy laws may not be equivalent to your own. For more information please read our donor policy.

For recurring donors, fixed monthly payments will be debited by the Unadat on the monthly anniversary of the first donation, until such time as you notify us to discontinue them. Donations initiated on the 29, 30, or 31 of the month will recur on the last day of the month for shorter months, as close to the original date as possible. For questions, please contact sean@unadat.com.

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