Meet the intern

First Last

Age: 12

College: Broke College

Education Level: Senior

Career Interest: Yes

My name is bob.

Team: Unknown

Hello I was on team this

Projects Worked On:

I worked on the xyz.

How is this internship different from classes/previous internships? Has this internship helped your future career plans?

QA 1 stuff

What was one big project you worked on during the internship? Can you walk me through the process?

QA 2 stuff

How has company culture guided your work?

QA 3 stuff

What was the biggest roadblock you've overcome?

QA 4 stuff

How does your project compare to how it started?

QA 5 stuff

What was the impact of your project?

QA 6 stuff

What did you learn or improve on from this internship or from your teammates?

QA 7 stuff

What is your advice to the next crop of interns?

QA 8 stuff


Read what others have to say about {name here}

"This person is great" - John

"Wow" - Jane

"Amazing worker" - Jim


Executive summary

Stay in touch

Get to know me

What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?+

Tell me about a joke that makes you laugh (or post a link to the photo)+

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?+

If you could have any superpower you want, what would it be? Why?+

What are your favorite TV shows? (top 3)+

If you could get yourself anything, what would you get?+

What's the weirdest assumption you've heard about yourself?+

What's something that made you really proud recently?+

What was a simple act of kindness that you performed that had a disproportionate effect on a person?+

Ask your own question & answer it+

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